Message from the PRINCIPAL

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's

For all parents, the education of their children is of the greatest importance and selecting the right school is not an easy task. The benefit of a sound education is one of the greatest gifts you can bestow on your ward. We welcome to The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Residential Public School, Rajahmundry with the aim to provide qualitative education per excellence to encourage the child to explore in the joy of learning. The endeavour is to retain smiles on the faces of the children, channelize the energies of youthfulness while sensing the beautiful connectivity between the heart, character, nation and the world.

We understand the importance of healthy and productive interaction between a teacher and students and take conscious efforts to incorporate state-of-the-art teaching methods.

Our earnest effort is to provide students with an education that allows them to recognize and realize their ‘dreams’ and ‘skills’ and to be able to ignite the passion to excel. Students will be given an environment where in their attributes, strengths and creativity can be nurtured. They develop into adults with inquisitive and a sensitivity that makes them human in thought, word and deed.

Each student here is given an opportunity to stimulate learning, participate in a plethora of extracurricular activities, understand his/her own potential and optimize it. An all round development is what we strive for. At the same time, we also teach students to be affectionate, value their environment and opportunities of growth.

Our curriculum provides hands on experience to the children to foster learning. It has provided us a continuity in evaluation of broad based learning which is diagnostic in character. It has greatly helped in development of life skills, creative thinking, problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, communication & collaborative skills of our children.

I encourage each child to give their very best in an attempt to realise their dreams as I believe “A journey of a thousand leagues Begins with a single step”

Mr. K.R. Veerendranadh

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's, Rajahmundry.


Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's School is child friendly, safe, hygienic, thoughtfully designed & well equipped. We, at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's School preserve the excitement & wonder of childhood & make children experience the joy of learning. We believe in being both child friendly education and in learning attitude throughout the life.

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